Thursday, 5 September 2013

Cleaner Glass is Greener Glass

Ordinary glass cannot meet “Green” requirements because it is much higher in frequency and difficulty of maintenance – requiring greater energy consumption through increased use of cleaning chemicals, water, fuel and other resources.

Even with frequent and intensive washing, ordinary glass becomes increasingly difficult to clean and keep clean. Its bare, unprotected surface is exposed to the causes of glass corrosion and easily becomes stained or discoloured by contaminants that bond firmly and cannot be removed by conventional cleaning methods.

The ClearShield® System from Ritec upgrades ordinary glass – even if already installed – into ClearShield® 'Non-Stick' Easy-Clean Glass.

This gives a number of Green benefits:

Cleaner, greener glass for more efficient use of resources and reduced operating costs

  • Reduced energy requirements: less need for artificial lighting, reduced frequency of cleaning by 50% on average with less trips to job sites with lower consumption of fuel and other costs, reduced costs of operating and maintaining access equipment, reduced consumption of cleaning chemicals and other materials, less risks of delays in completion of projects.

  • Greater energy efficiency: photovoltaic (PV) solar cells for electricity generation, solar panels for heating water and commercial greenhouses.

  • Reduced water requirements for glass washing or cleaning: especially where processing costs are high due to water desalination.

  • Cleaner, greener glass for reduced environmental impacts Carbon footprints: reduced emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases caused by higher usage of transportation and access equipment for maintenance, call-backs and replacements as well as production and use of cleaning supplies and equipment.

  • Hazardous cleaning chemicals and abrasive methods: normally not required for glass with durable surface protection and 'non-stick', easy-clean, low-maintenance performance.

  • Sustainability: reduced need for glass replacements due to unsightly appearance caused by surface corrosion.

Get cleaner, greener glass... ask for ClearShield®!

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